Rissa Indrasty

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Jakarta , Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
seafairy | journalist | artist | musician | artworker | traveller

Mujigae Restaurant

Mujigae Restaurant is one of korean restaurant in Bandung. Mujigae restaurant is easy to find because location of this restaurant in 1st floor Cihampelas Walk Bandung , one of popular mall in Bandung, the complete’s address in Jalan Cihampelas no. 160 Bandung.  You can visit this restaurant among  10 a.m – 10 p.m.

This restaurant comfortable enough for lunch or dinner, some stuff and property seems like in korea, but not to much, can’t really really  feel like in korea because some property is more modern. Worker in this restaurant wear korea’s clothes and will say “Anyeonghasseo (means hellow)”  to every consumer who come.

interior in mujigae restaurant

Consumer can watch and order menu from tablet that provided by this restaurant, this restaurant has used digital manner to treat consumer, and definitely don’t need much waitress to come and write consumer’s order. This is the digital era, this the simple era, right? Consumer  can look picture of food in tablet and  picture of food looks beautiful. Big portion, beautiful composition, and unique’s food really really make desire of consumer to order all of food. Picture is being provided in tablet make that food looks real.

During the food was cooked, consumer can watch korean’s video song in tablet, or selfie in tablet, and photo who taken by consumer in tablet’s camera can be print in this restaurant. Mujigae give unique treat for consumer.

To order menu of Mujigae restaurant there is package and individu. this restaurant serve inexpensive food. The price of food range Rp. 30.000 to top, and  Rp. 15.000 to top for varian of drink. Not much varian food that you can find in this restaurant, but you can find black noodles in mujigae.

Picture in above is one of package in mujigae restaurant. There are rice, chicken, beef, noodles, kimchie and honey tea. Lets riview about how delicious it is! This food not like your imagine, means really really really delicious. That rice is good, that slice of beef is good but a little bit smell like durian i think, that chicken too sweet and i dont like it if I should eat much this chicken, that noodles  is the best, and that kimchi is too sour, i don’t know how real kimchi’s test, but i didn’t like kimchi after i had eaten kimchi that provided by this restaurant. That honey tea drink is very good, i like it.

Rating for food this restaurant is 7.5

That is all my riview about mujigae restaurant, you can try to visit this restaurant if you wanna eat korean’s food in Bandung.  I has put the address and time of open-close this restaurant. Thankyou for visit my blog.

Love and Hug
Rissa Indrasty Williams


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