Rissa Indrasty

My Photo
Jakarta , Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
seafairy | journalist | artist | musician | artworker | traveller


9 february 2016

Today , i have plan with my frien , icha ..

We want culinar , ya we love eat so much.

 We sought reference restaurant or cafe in Bandung. Actually, i wanted to eat japanese food, i love shushi so much and i would have  taken her to shushi tei, but , yah,  shushi tei had high price for student J , *actually , for ate, i didnt care about pricetag  anymore. Cz i love eat! So much* And than, dont call me if you ask me to culinar just for take a photos, that restaurant has cool view or anythink. Cz , I LOVE EAT ! NOT LOVE VIEW OF RESTAURANT. J

And than , we found two choice..
  1.   Japanese food, i was forgot that name  
  2.  Korean food, Chingu Cafe .. CHINGU ! NOT CHANGI ! CHANGI was Airport in Singapore.

I looked for menu of japanese food. That was full of desert, i love that desert, but i wanted eating that wat make my belly full .. and i didnt find some shushi or bento in that menu. So, forgotten that !

Let see chingu cafe on instagram, yah , in pict, some food look delicious . Honestly i was hesitated about korean food and was confused bout korean food menu’s.  But, i have to try this food cz i never try korean food’s bfore .. Oke . we chose chingu cafe !

It was almost nite when we were walking to chingu cafe. It was a lonely road and it was drizzle. The air felt cold,and we keep walking and walking untill..............

Suddenly, someone in my back hold my hand, i was shocked, i was yelled and take my own hand from him.. i was confused, i saw him, and ..

HE HAD a little LAUGH !

HAH ??? WAT ????? WAT WAS WITH HIM ????

And than my friend said, “He is psychotic !”



Oh God, why did I always get scary experience from.....  PSYCHOTIC ~
Why did this town full of PSYCHOTIC ? I saw  them everywhere~


And than , we finally arrived chingu cafe. And in the head, the waiting list waited for us. Seven 

Table,  But , It was not a long time ,  cz suddenly much people who finished their dinner land lived the table. And here we were ~

About korean food’s that was we diserved, you can read in my priview post . Oke ! thankyou for coming to my block . always have a good day ya . see u !

Chingu Cafe Korea

                 Korea, sebuah negara yang sudah tidak asing lagi ditelinga Masyarakat Indonesia, terutama para remaja sekarang ini. Maraknya drama – drama , boyband dan girlband hingga  reality show korea sedang sangat digandrungi oleh masyarakat  Indonesia. Pada tayangan – tayangan yang disuguhkan dalam bentuk visual tersebut, terselip  pula kebiasaan hidup dan adat masyarakat korea di dalamnya. Masyarakat korea terlihat tetap mempertahankan adatnya, dari mulai tingkah laku, norma kesopanan, cara berbicara dengan yang lebih tua. Selain itu, terselip pula makanan – makanan khas korea yang disuguhkan dalam adegan  drama atau realiti show  nya. Hidangan  yang cukup unik, ditata sedemikian rupa sehingga terlihat apik dan sangat lezat hingga tidak sedikit pula orang yang bertanya – tanya , selezat apakah makanan khas korea yang tampak di dram atau film korea.

                Bagi warga Bandung yang ingin mencicipi menu makanan korea, mungkin anda akan senang mendengar kabar ini. Ternyata di Bandung terdapat cafe unik yang menyediakan menu khas korea dengan design restoran layaknya di Korea. Cafe tersebut terletak di Jalan Sawunggaling Nomor 10, Dago (dekat baltos) Bandung bernama Chingu Cafe.

                Pertama kali anda memasuki cafe ini, anda akan disambut dengan tempat duduk berbentuk seperti halte yang berada di tengah ruangan. Di dindingnya terpajang gambar – gambar artis – artis korea. Lalu, untuk ruang tempat makannya sendiri, terdapat di kiri dan kanan ruangan. Ruangan sebelah kanannya merupakan ruangan yang besar dengan terdapat pohon besar buatan di tengah – tengah ruangannya. Seperti anda sedang piknik dan bersantai ditaman layaknya di korea. Di dindingnya tidak lupa di tempeli gambar - gambar yang berbau khas korea. Untuk ruangan sebelah kiri, anda akan mendapati tempat makan layaknya anda sedang berada di dalam sebuah kereta di  korea.  Selain itu di dalam ruangan seperti kereta yang terdiri dari 4 meja tersebut, seperti memiliki privasi tersendiri bagi anda yang tidak begitu suka suasana ramai. Di tempat makan seperti korea tersebut, terdapat pula Televisi LCD yang menayangkan video clip boyband dan girlband khas korea. Para pengunjung yang sedang menunggu pesanan, dapat mengusir rasa bosan dengan menonton tayangan video clip tersebut yang disuguhkan pada Televisi tersebut.

caption : tempat yang nyaman sambil menunggu jika waiting list
caption : Bacground animasi menarik dari chingu Cafe

caption : menunggu makanan disajikan :)

                Untuk menu makanannya sendiri, benar – benar menu makanan khas korea yang sering tampak pada drama – drama korea. Dari mulai kimbab, ramyon, odeng , teobokki, hingga desert ala korea. Untuk harga menu makanannya sendiri, semua varian makanan di bawah Rp.30.000 dan semua makanan yang tersajikan  halal.Selamat mencoba.

                Jika anda ingin menyicipi makanan khas korea di cafe ini, disarankan untuk datang lebih cepat sebelum makan siang, karena cafe ini sangat ramai pengunjung sehingga anda bisa kebagian waiting list. Chingu cafe sendiri buka dari pukul  11.00 – 22.00 WIB setiap harinya.

caption : Ramyon, kimbab, varian minumannya

31 january 2015

I wake up early morning, than i cleaned my bedroom . Actually , i cleaned my bedroom last nite , but i stiil got a little mess , so i fixed them ..

After  i had cleaned my room, I was tired.. And I fell sleeping again.  Really tired  , Oh ya , i slept quarter to one o clock last nite, i couldnt sleep early nite ..

I slept , slept and slept again ..

And than , morning changed to be afternoon.. i was hate this reality .. I looked wat time in my handphone , and yeah .. this is almost 01.00 o clock . And i got message from my friend , she said that she will come to my place as soon . AAAAH! I forced my self going into bathroom. HAAH  ! 

Hm, Ya , we had work today.  We would  report event today . that was report 300 Indonesian  historic object  exhibition  in books festival , Landmark . i was cameraman. Me and my friends started looking the historic object and than interview the committee. That object historic apparently from Sri Baduga Museum.  One of museum in Bandung Indonesia. But , they just showed historic object from West Java. I thought this exhibition was interested , and gave education for everyone who come. The object historic like mask, weapons, kitchen equipment, old money, graffity, old map , etc .

 And in 2 floor, we watched weapon from everywhere , but still from Indonesian. Like sword,knife,kris, samurai historic from Indonesia. One of handle sword from foot of mouse deer . I can touched that odd handle, that was crude, bizzare , didnt know how explain that one . You can look the picture which i take yesterday.

Cekidott :

Actually, this is from video. I have to prntscrn this vdeo to be Photo. i was focusing to make video when  i Shooted that pict. Cz i have to make repot for news video's. :)

And than , we met someone who had collection of weapons.  The weapons exhibition in 2 floor from collector, not the museum. He collection much weapons from Indonesian. And he talked about history of weapons. And the price of one weapons was billion. WOW ! And he said that different colour of sword, like red, brown , yellow , in sword not because dirty, but because people blood’s  of the old war and poison that remain in sword. The poison used for against the enemy. If tha sword wounded ur hand , the poison of sword spread in ur hand blood’s, and u got the flaw or lost ur hand forever.

 And I asked about other collection that he had , Actually, He said that he had mysterious collection.somethink like invisible , hmm , like a sacred tools. I was suprissed and i was curious about that sacred equipment . Cause I like somethink mysterius, like horror , or somethink secret . But his collection saved in Ubud, Bali. Hm, he had jenglot too. I was surprised.

Me         :  WOW !!! u have jenglot ???? *i was glad to hear that, cz i was curious about that one..

A             : Ya, i have that one

Me         : Wow ! how u got that one ?

A             : that nite, i was slept. And I got a dream , Sultan *** come to my dream and wishpered something to me. And than , i felt something beside my face, And i wake up and find jenglot beside my face.

Me         : I didnt know, hows jenglot ? And wat r they doing ? i didnt understand ..

A             : I ask u , hows jenglot  that you have ever heard  ??      

Me         : Like a dools, scared, needs blood ???

A             : Hm, actually , jenglot was shaman who wasnt accepted in the sky and the earth. And he beetwen that.  The world actually always to be small and small. Just Allah whos know that. The Jenglos was a dool who had a long hair. Tha hair is longer than his body.

Me         : Did you breed from sultan or somethink ?

A             : No, i didnt. My parent was farmer.

Me         : Hm, so u got that since u have been collecting that old weapons ?

A             : Hmm, maybe..

Me         :  wat else that you have ?

A             : i have a tuyul too ,

Me         : Wah ?

A             : yep, the shape of tuyul like iron, have mucilage , and if we touch that, he can make movement.

Me         : Oh, didnt look like human ?

A             : Yes, in the nite .


And than We shared about everythink, Apperently she have worked in television industry.  and finished that with he gave us his phone number.

And than , me and my friend continued to look some books and Actually, i find book which i look for. The book about atlantis, pyramid, Greek myth, and than in cover of book was written  “all library  is this book” , AAAAH !! I love that !!!!!!but i didnt bring enough money . So i lost that book , T.T  I was hate that fact !

Finally ,  I bought  The secret of the ages book’s, the writer of this book not Rhonda Byrne but Robert Collier. Actually the secret from Robert Collier that the first book. And inspirated Rhonda Bryne to make the secret book. The qoutes from cover of book ,

“There is no hope that u cant have. If ur mind accepted the real that u can do that, so u can do everythink” – Robert Collier

Okey , thats all my story , have a good day guys !

Pameran Benda Bersejarah Hadir di Festival Buku 2016

Jurnalis dan Photograph : Rissa Indrasty   

    Tetenong dan Boboko salah satu koleksi museum Sri Baduga yang merupakan peralatan dapur    zaman dahulu

Museum Sri Banduga Bandung ikut andil dalam memeriahkan event festival buku 2016. Festival yang diadakan  dari tanggal 29 Januari - 4 Februari  2016 di Gedung Landmark Bandung ini, mengkombinasikan pameran buku dan pameran benda-benda bersejarah nusantara untuk pertama kalinya di Indonesia.

Festival yang bertujuan untuk menambah ilmu dan menambah wawasan ini, di sambut antusias oleh para pengunjung dari semua kalangan.

“Liat di koran ada pameran dari museum Sri Baduga,penasaran juga pengen liat kaya gimana soalnya belum pernah ke sri baduga juga, sambil nambah ini  pengetahuan anak-anak”, ungkap Rani salah satu pengunjung yang datang bersama keluarganya ke Landmark (31/2/16)

Pameran benda-benda bersejarah sebelumnya sudah sering dilaksanakan museum Sri Baduga di berbagai acara, terutama acara kebudayaan. Koleksi benda-benda bersejarah museum sendiri merupakan benda-benda yang berasal dari Jawa Barat.

Selain koleksi museum, di lantai dua gedung ini juga terdapat para kolektor senjata antik  yang juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam pameran benda-benda bersejarah. Senjata-senjata tersebut berupa pedang, keris, pistol, panah yang berasal dari daerah-daerah di seluruh Indonesia.


 Beberapa jenis pedang dan gagang pedang yang dipamerkan dari koleksi para kolektor senjata antik