Rissa Indrasty

My Photo
Jakarta , Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
seafairy | journalist | artist | musician | artworker | traveller

Mimpi - Montain



I was dreamed, i was hiking high montain, super high montain with my friends, Umi and Suci ..

The manner to climb that montain, we must touch odd animals, Suci called that animal “FISH”. Euh, i didn’t want to touch that animals, cause i thought that was look like alien.

Finally, i reached puncak, that was night. It was beautiful sky by the way, magenta sky n million star in there. Than, someone appeared beside me, he was someone in my highschool but he was IPS course. I was forget about his name , but suddenly he said that “Wanna be my girlfriend ?”

Than, i said NO.

He said , OKE

In the next day, i just have known that he invited me to party in mountain.

And in the next day again , he say hi to me in bbm’s chat.

But, i didn’t know,  i feel i like him, i like someone in my dream. But i was prestige.

Than, i woke up in the morning , i tried to found his instagram and followed his instagram.

I did’t know, it was bizzare because it was a dream ..


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